Easy Tips to Improve Student Satisfaction in Virtual Classroom
Distance learning is a lot complex than the traditional classroom. Regardless of the hurdles, it is a fact that online learning is extremely flexible for most students. That is why more and more students are tending towards virtual sessions. Whatever the way is, know the most crucial thing in the class is the engagement of students. Know that student engagement is the involvement and investment of students during the session.
Especially during the COVID pandemic, online education is the new educational method that every institution is following. The most critical thing is capturing the attention of students. It is complex to build concentration and keep students engage in online sessions. Below we are talking about the top tips to satisfy students.
1. Have an introductory session:
It is crucial to give an online school management system demo before you start teaching. To keep students involved and engaged, you need to begin the lesson by linking it with previous knowledge. By the introductory session, you will know the learning capability of the students. You can prepare the minds of students for the topic by giving a brief introduction. Try to involve the students as much as you can by delivering this introduction. You can ask questions regarding the previous lesson. Let the students brainstorm for the upcoming topic. Start by asking a question that will initiate the discussion, and then you need to allow students to participate in the whole debate.
2. Customize the course:
It is a fact the online sessions are a lot more different than traditional learning. Know that you cannot teach the entire syllabus of the traditional classroom in an online session. For virtual classes, you need to change a little bit of the curriculum. Try to inculcate as much creativity as you think students can fulfill. Customize the course outline and try to have topics that will help students. You can provide a forum to students so that they can participate in the management of the curriculum.
3. Learning materials:
Another thing that you need to involve is learning materials. Students learn better if they visualize things. Try to have a thoughtful video or animation. You can use that material while you are giving the lecture, and this way, students can have a better understanding of the concept. Make sure your materials are in an organized form. Try to keep the material in the middle of the lecture. If you give the material right from the start, the student will not pay attention to you.
4. Take feedback:
There are many things that you can ignore during the session. So, try to take feedback from the students on the do and don’ts. It will also help in productive communication between the instructor and the student. Moreover, you will know where the students think you are lacking. You can also take suggestions on how to make these sessions better and productive. Try to stay in contact with the students to give them satisfaction. Also, measure your progress and examine how much far you need to go with your curriculum.